G20 New Delhi Summit 2023: Embracing a Sustainable Future

G20 New Delhi Summit 2023: Embracing a Sustainable Future

The 18th Heads of State and Government Summit of the Group of 20 (G20) is set to take place in September 2023, with New Delhi, India playing host. Under Indian Presidency, this summit will revolve around theme ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future‘, emphasizing interconnectedness and value of all life forms on our planet.

The G20 process encompasses a series of meetings throughout year involving Ministerial Meetings, Working Groups and Engagement Groups. However, it is during the Leaders’ Summit that decisions are made and priorities are established.

India’s presidency aims to put spotlight on Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE), promoting environmentally sustainable choices both at individual level and within national development strategies. The goal is to pave way for cleaner, greener and bluer future by encouraging responsible actions that contribute to environmental preservation.

To address various global challenges comprehensively, several working groups have been established. These groups will focus on key tracks such as agriculture, anti-corruption measures, culture promotion digital economy advancements, disaster risk reduction, education employment opportunities, environment sustainability, energy transitions, health initiatives, trade and investment facilitation, tourism development.

Through these focused working groups discussions will be held regarding effective strategies to tackle pressing issues ranging from climate change mitigation efforts to promoting inclusive economic growth worldwide. By engaging experts from different fields who possess valuable insights into these areas; actionable plans can be developed towards achieving desired outcomes efficiently.

As part of their commitment towards addressing these shared concerns effectively. Leaders attending the G20 summit are expected to adopt a comprehensive Leaders’ Declaration at its conclusion. This declaration will encapsulate their dedication towards implementing agreed-upon priorities discussed during ministerial meetings and working group sessions held throughout the year leading up to this eventful gathering.

The G20 comprises nineteen countries along with representation from European Union (EU). The participating countries include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, France, India (the host), Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), Mexico Russia Saudi Arabia South Africa Turkey United Kingdom and the United States.

India’s Presidency of the G20 from December 1st 2022 till November 30th 2023 signifies a significant responsibility in shaping global policies. It presents opportunity for India to showcase its commitment towards sustainable development and contribute actively to finding innovative solutions which address various global challenges.

As world leaders come together in 2023 with the unified intention of encouraging international collaboration and cooperation, G20 New Delhi Summit has enormous promise. We can lay foundation for future in which peace between people and environment flourishes by adopting holistic approach that acknowledges interconnection of our world and supports sustainable habits at both individual and societal levels.

Together let us embark on journey towards building more inclusive prosperous world, one that cherishes our common heritage while safeguarding it for generations to come.


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